$('#textarea1').textcomplete([ { // emoji strategy match: /\B:([\-+\w]*)$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(emojies, function (emoji) { return emoji.indexOf(term) === 0 ? emoji : null; })); }, template: function (value) { return '<img src="media/images/emoji/' + value + '.png"></img>' + value; }, replace: function (value) { return ':' + value + ': '; }, index: 1, maxCount: 5 } ]); // You can append strategies to an already existing textcomplete object. $('#textarea1').textcomplete([ { // tech companies words: ['apple', 'google', 'facebook', 'github'], match: /\b(\w{2,})$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(this.words, function (word) { return word.indexOf(term) === 0 ? word : null; })); }, index: 1, replace: function (word) { return word + ' '; }, placement: 'top' } ]);
var elements = ['span', 'div', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3']; $('#textarea2').textcomplete([ { // html match: /<(\w*)$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(elements, function (element) { return element.indexOf(term) === 0 ? element : null; })); }, index: 1, replace: function (element) { return ['<' + element + '>', '</' + element + '>']; } } ]);
$('#textarea3').textcomplete([ { // html mentions: ['yuku_t'], match: /\B@(\w*)$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(this.mentions, function (mention) { return mention.indexOf(term) === 0 ? mention : null; })); }, index: 1, replace: function (mention) { return '@' + mention + ' '; } } ], { appendTo: 'body' }).overlay([ { match: /\B@\w+/g, css: { 'background-color': '#d8dfea' } } ]);
$('.textarea4').textcomplete([ { // tech companies words: ['apple', 'google', 'facebook', 'github'], match: /\b(\w{2,})$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(this.words, function (word) { return word.indexOf(term) === 0 ? word : null; })); }, index: 1, replace: function (word) { return word + ' '; } } ]);
$('#textarea5').textcomplete([ { // emoji strategy match: /\B:([\-+\w]*)$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(emojies, function (emoji) { return emoji.indexOf(term) === 0 ? emoji : null; })); }, template: function (value) { return '<img src="media/images/emoji/' + value + '.png"></img>' + value; }, replace: function (value) { return ':' + value + ': '; }, index: 1, maxCount: 5, header: function (data) { return '<strong style="text-align: center; display: block;">' + data.length + '</strong>'; }, footer: '<strong style="text-align: center; display: block;">Footer</strong>' } ]).on('focus', function () { var textComplete = $(this).data('textComplete'); // Cursor has not set yet. And wait 100ms to skip global click event. setTimeout(function () { // Cursor is ready. textComplete.trigger(); }, 100); });
$('.contenteditable1').textcomplete([ { // tech companies words: ['stunning', 'amazing', 'incredible', 'fantastic', 'fantabulous'], match: /\b(\w{2,})$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(this.words, function (word) { return word.indexOf(term) === 0 ? word : null; })); }, index: 1, replace: function (word) { return word + ' '; } } ]);