=== GD bbPress Attachments === Contributors: GDragoN Donate link: https://bbpress.dev4press.com/ Version: 2.4 Tags: bbpress, attachments, gdragon, dev4press, upload, forum, topic, reply, media library, limit, meta Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.6 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Implements attachments upload to the topics and replies in bbPress plugin through media library and adds additional forum based controls. == Description == Attachments for forum topics and replies are handled through WordPress media library. You can control file sizes from the main plugin settings panel, or you can do it individually for each forum you have set. You can limit number of files user can attach for each topic and reply. Plugin can embed list of attached files into topics and replies, and images can be displayed as thumbnails. All upload errors are logged and topic/reply author and administrators can see those errors. On admin side, topic and reply panels have column with attachments count, and on the individual edit pages you will see meta box with list of attachments and upload errors. Supported languages: English, Serbian, Swedish, Polish, Dutch, German, Italian, Slovak, French, Spanish, Persian, Portuguese. = bbPress Plugin Versions = GD bbPress Attachments 2.4 supports bbPress 2.3.x or newer. bbPress 2.0.x, 2.1.x and 2.2.x are no longer supported! = BuddyPress Support = GD bbPress Attachments 2.4 is tested with BuddyPress 2.6.x and newer and it works fine if you enable BuddyPress support in bbPress plugin for Group Forums. Make sure you enable JavaScript and CSS Settings Always Include option in the Attachments plugin settings. = Upgrade to GD bbPress Toolbox Pro = Pro version contains many more useful features 10 more BBCodes (including Hide and Spoiler), BBCodes editor toolbar, report topics and replies, SEO features, many more views, notification email control, BBCodes toolbar, great new responsive admin UI, enhanced attachments features and additional widgets. [GD bbPress Toolbox Pro](https://bbpress.dev4press.com/) = Premium dev4Press.com plugins for bbPress = * [GD bbPress Toolbox Pro](https://bbpress.dev4press.com/) - ultimate collection of tools for bbPress * [GD Content Tools Pro](https://content.dev4press.com/) - meta box for the topic and reply form = More free dev4Press.com plugins for bbPress = * [GD bbPress Tools](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gd-bbpress-tools/) - various expansion tools for forums == Installation == = General Requirements = * PHP: 5.3 or newer = WordPress Requirements = * WordPress: 4.0 or newer = bbPress Requirements = * bbPress Plugin: 2.3 or newer = Basic Installation = * Plugin folder in the WordPress plugins folder must be `gd-bbpress-attachments` * Upload folder `gd-bbpress-attachments` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory * Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == * Where can I configure the plugin? Open the Forums menu, and you will see Attachments item there. This will open a panel with global plugin settings. * What are the common problems that can prevent upload to work? In some cases, it can happen that jQuery is not included in the page, even so the bbPress requires it to be loaded. That can happen if something else is unloading jQuery. If the jQuery is not present, upload will not work. Other common issue is that WordPress Media Library upload is not working. If that is not set up, attachments upload can't work. * Why is Media Library required? All attachments uploads are handled by the WordPress Media Library, and plugin uses native WordPress upload functions. When file is uploaded it will be available through Media Library. Consult WordPress documentation about Media Library requirements. * Will this plugin work with standalone bbPress instalation? No. This plugin requires the plugin versions of bbPress 2.3 or higher. * Does this plugin work with bbPress that is part of BuddyPress plugin? No. Plugin requires bbPress 2.3 or higher plugin. * Does this plugin work with bbPress plugin used as site wide forums for BuddyPress plugin? Yes. But, make sure to enable 'Always Include' option for JavaScript and CSS. == Translations == * English * Serbian * Swedish: https://profiles.wordpress.org/lakrisgubben * Russian: Pavel Kuznetsov - https://profiles.wordpress.org/pavel-kuznetsov * German: David Decker - http://deckerweb.de/ * Slovak: Branco Radenovich - http://webhostinggeeks.com/blog/ * French: Marie Bodson - http://mariebodson.com/ * Polish:Daniel Napora - http://www.hinok.net/ * Dutch: Wouter van Vliet - http://www.interpotential.com/ * Spanish: Jhonathan Arroyo - http://www.siswer.com/ * Persian: Ramin Firooz - http://shayverd.com/ * Portuguese * Italian == Upgrade Notice == = 2.4 = Added download attribute to attached files links. Many updates and improvements. PHP minimal requirement to 5.3. WordPress minimal requirement to 4.0. == Changelog == = 2.4 = * Added download attribute to attached files links * Updated sanitation of the plugin settings on save * Updated PHP minimal requirement to 5.3 * Updated WordPress minimal requirement to 4.0 * Updated several broken URL's * Updated several missing translation strings = 2.3.2 = * Added Swedish translation * Updated readme file = 2.3.1 = * Added Russian translation * Updated readme file = 2.3 = * Updated several Dev4Press links * Fixed XSS and LFI security issues with unsanitized input * Fixed order of displayed attachments to match upload order * Fixed inline image alignment when there is no image caption = 2.2 = * Fixed problem with uploading video or audio files in some cases = 2.1 = * Improved default styling for the list of attachments * Removed support for bbPress 2.2.x * Fixed posts deletion problem caused by attachments module = 2.0 = * Improved default styling for the list of attachments * Removed obsolete hooks and functions * Removed support for bbPress 2.1.x * Fixed method for adding some of the plugin hooks * Fixed issue with attachments DIV not closed properly * Fixed few typos and missing translation strings = 1.9.2 = * Added Slovak translation * Changed upload field location to end of the form * Dropped support for bbPress 2.0 * Dropped support for WordPress 3.2 * Fixed problem with saving some settings = 1.9.1 = * Fixed detection of bbPress 2.2 * Fixed missing function fatal error = 1.9 = * Added support for dynamic roles from bbPress 2.2 * Added class to attachments elements in the topic/reply forms * Using enqueue scripts and styles to load files on frontend * Admin menu now uses 'activate_plugins' capability by default * Screenshots removed from plugin and added into assets directory * Fixed problem with some themes and embedding of JavaScript * Fixed issues with some themes and displaying attachments = 1.8.4 = * Additional settings information * BuddyPress with site wide bbPress supported * Expanded list of FAQ entries * Panel for upgrade to GD bbPress Toolbox * Fixed duplicated registration for reply embed filter = 1.8.3 = * Added Italian translation * Updated several translations = 1.8.2 = * Added Portuguese translation = 1.8.1 = * Adding meta field to identify file as attachment * Few minor issues with plugin settings = 1.8 = * Added option to display thumbnails in line * Added Persian translation * Improvements for the bbPress 2.1 compatibility * Several embedding styling improvements * Fixed some loading issues for admin side = 1.7.6 = * Changes to readme.txt file * Improvements to the shared code = 1.7.5 = * Additional loading optimization * Added French language * Updated some translations * Fixed minor issues with saving settings = 1.7.2 = * Missing license.txt file = 1.7.1 = * Added option for improved embedding of JS and CSS code * Minor changes to the plugins admin interface panels * Updated and expanded plugin FAQ and requirements = 1.7 = * Loading optimization with separate admin and front end code * Added options for deleting and detaching attachments * Added several new filters for additional plugin control * Added option for error logging visibility for moderators * Fixed logging of multiple upload errors * Fixed several issues with displaying upload errors = 1.6 = * Added hide attachments from visitors option * Added option to hook in topic and reply deletion * Added Polish translation * Improved adding of plugin styling and JavaScript * Fixed visibility of meta settings for non admins = 1.5.3 = * Context Help for WordPress 3.3 = 1.5.2 = * Rel attribute allows use of topic or reply ID * Admin topic and reply editor list of errors * Updated German and Serbian translations * Updated readme file with error logging information = 1.5.1 = * Fixed logging of empty error messages = 1.5 = * Improved tabbed admin interface * Image attachments display and styling * Error logging displayed to admin and author * Fixed upload from edit topic and reply * Fixed including of jQuery into header * Fixed bbPress detection for edit pages = 1.2.4 = * Improved Dutch Translation * Updated Frequently Asked Questions = 1.2.3 = * Minor change to user roles detection * Fixed problem with displaying attachments to visitors = 1.2.2 = * Spanish Translation = 1.2.1 = * German Translation * Check for the bbPress to add JavaScript and CSS = 1.2.0 = * Disable attachments for individual forums * Improved admin side topic and reply editor integration = 1.1.0 = * Attachments icons in the attachment lists = 1.0.4 = * Attachment icon of forums = 1.0.3 = * Serbian Translation * Dutch Translation = 1.0.2 = * Improvements to the main settings panel * Fixed missing variable for topic attachments saving * Fixed ignoring selected roles to display upload form elements * Fixed upgrading plugin settings process * Fixed few more undefined variables warnings == Screenshots == 1. Main plugins settings panel 2. Reply with attachments and file type icons 3. Image attachments with upload errors 4. Attachments with delete and detach actions 5. Attachments upload elements in the form 6. Single forum meta box with settings 7. Icons for the forums with attachments 8. Thumbnails displayed in line