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Josemar Alves Caetano

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). I obtained my B.S. degree in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas) in 2015, and my M.Sc. in Computer Science from the same institution in 2018. Currently, my research topics are social computing and fake news. Visit for more details.

Research Interests

- Social Computing
- Fake News
- Sentiment Analysis
- Data Mining
- Complex Networks

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Current Research

M.Sc. in Computer Science Research

Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Users Who Publish Texts on Politics Over an Election Period: This is part of my master thesis' research. We are characterizing users' sentiments, mood variation, and language patterns of users that published tweets about 2017 American Presidential Election. I identified four user communities using data mining techniques: Trump's Advocates, Hillary's Advocates, Political Bots and Regular Users.

Characterizing Harmful Speech on WhatsApp Public Groups: We are proposing a process to automatically collect data from WhatsApp public groups to perform harmful speech characterization in the messages.

Characterizing User Communities and their Political Homophily in Twitter during the 2016 American Presidential Election: This is part of my master thesis' research. We are characterizing users communities on Twitter (Trump's Advocates, Hillary's Advocates, Political Bots and Regular Users) and their political homophily in uniplex and multiplex connections networks.

The research resulted in the publication of six scientific papers.

B.S. in Computer Science Research

Research on the problem of human mobility in large cities during large-scale events. Development of applications on the Android platform to monitor the use of telephone services and to collect geolocated data. Design and development of an architecture that allowed to continue the internet browsing through SMS in environments without a data connection. The research resulted in the publication of two scientific papers.

Social Networks

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people/students/josemar.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/06 19:18 by admin